December 7, 2010

Ombudsman reports on G20 police actions/powers

Ombudsman finds G20 regulation of 'dubious legality'. Citizens unfairly trapped by secret expansion of police powers. View the press relase an video announcement at this link

December 6, 2010

Affordable Christmas stocking stuffers

The folks at ZAPRAG have their Canadian version ready for the Chirstmas market place. A great affodable stocking stuffer ($10) for the photographer buff on your list. They can use the ZAPRAG as a normal lens cleaning cloth and at the same time educate themselves and others as to Photographers Rights in Canada. Likewise the US version is specific to the US.

They also now have have a laminated version of the rights available on a lanyard - the ZAPCARD. There are different versions for Canada and the US. You can find out more at and view more photos of the lens cloth front/back.

November 28, 2010

When, where and what can I shoot?

Photographers rights: When, where and what can I shoot?
originally posted Web Design Blog – WebDesignShock

"Is the title clear enough for you? If you don’t ever want to end up like Rocky with your face all swollen because some security personnel decided you were a national threat, or you want to be completely sure that you can take that shot of your favorite celebrity pissing in the garden, this guide is meant to give you some clarity over what you can and can’t do with your camera."

read the entire piece - informative, entertaining, well done.

And, if you want something a bit more concise, durable and obviously not 'made up' by you and home and printed out, we recommend the ZAPRAGs lens cleaning cloth - see previous entry