October 15, 2010

Commercial Film and Photography in Parks Canada Western Arctic Field

Commercial Film and Photography Application Guidelines for Aulavik, Ivvavik and Tuktut Nogait National Parks - The Parks Canada Western Arctic Field Unit

Photo credit: Dreamstime/Anderson5CA
The national parks of Parks Canada’s Western Arctic Field Unit include Aulavik, Ivvavik and Tuktut Nogait National Parks. These parks span some of the most spectacular and ecologically significant areas of the western Arctic, offering a vast range of unparalleled film and photographic opportunities. In the interest of protecting the park’s resources while ensuring that visitor experiences and the rights of land claim beneficiaries are not affected, commercial filming and photographic activities are subject to certain restrictions and special considerations.

To carry out commercial filming or photography in the national parks of the western Arctic, an application must be submitted to Parks Canada a minimum of 4 months prior to activities. If approved, a Film/Photography Permit will be issued which outlines conditions and supplementary requirements associated with the production. The following information will assist in the preparation of a film/photography application.

Read more and access information on the application for permit process as well as the restrictions that apply.

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