October 1, 2010

Police continue to hunt down G20 activists almost three months after the Summit

G8/G20 Communique: Police continue to hunt down G20 activists almost three months after the Summit

"Toronto activist, who declined to be named, said "This is a strategy, they are spreading out the arrests to increase fear and panic, it's so typical - but it won't work, it never works, it will only make us stronger."

"The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) is demanding that the Toronto Police Service (TPS) to destroy the police records of many of the 1105 people arrested during the G20 Summit. In a letter dated September 8, 2010, the CCLA asks Chief Blair to expunge all G20-related police records of persons that were arrested and never charged, or who were charged, but have since had their charges withdrawn or dismissed."

"Sept 2nd- Juan-Pablo Lepore, documentary film-maker and independent journalist, arrested on G20-related charges in Montreal."

Colin O'Connor and Brett Grundlock were arrested in Toronto on Saturday evening of the G20, according to the National Post, the Canadian newspaper they work for. The men were reportedly charged with 'obstructing a peace officer and unlawful assembly after refusing police officers' requests to leave the area'.
Both were released on bail.
The CCLA is concerned that information about G20-related police contact may surface during police background checks that are regularly requested by some employers and volunteer agencies. This could unduly prejudice the future endeavours of individuals caught up in the mass arrests made during the G20 Summit."

[Read the original piece and timeline]

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